Friday, December 14, 2007

Sick, but feeling giddy,

I've been coughing my lungs out all week (and phlegm, yes I said it). Drinking a lot of hot tea and water (with honey...mmm) helped me but I don't want temporary satisfaction--I want this to be over! I'm so impatient when it comes to my health. I hope this doesn't continue until Christmas.

Anywho, so besides from feeling miserable all week, I was evaluated at work today and I was happy with the results. I know I can do better though and I will make sure of it when 2008 is here. On the other hand, I've been listening to Christmas carols over and over and I think to myself, "Are you okay, Lisa?" because this isn't like me at all. I started to think about all the simple things about Christmas like distributing Christmas cards to friends, which I haven't done since college. Maybe nice holidays like Christmas make me reminisce about the good old days with the people I love and care for :)

I'm still in awe that the year is almost ending. It seems like time flies by so quickly as I'm getting older. I know I'm turning into a grown-up (*gasp*) when I think about my career goals, the stock market, and other things that grown-ups think about haha... it's kinda funny but real at the same time. I do admit that I extremely miss my childhood days, but I've learned so much along the way.

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