Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's May 2008... already!??

It feels like yesterday when my friends and I celebrated New Year's Day—now it's already May 1st! We're almost halfway into 2008 and pretty soon 2009 will be here! I don't mean to look that far ahead into the future but I'm so sick of time flying when I'm having fun! ARG!

My first kickball game was Tuesday. My team (99 Problems and a Pitch Ain't One - WOOT!) and I played against another company (I don't know the name). I don't even know the score but they beat us by a lot of points, only because the team was filled with mostly guys and there were only two girls, while our team had mostly girls. Despite how badly we lost, we had a ton of fun! It was nice to meet people from the other divisions. I'm already hyped about the next game!

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