Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dos Caminos

Sheena and I RSVPed for this Canadian rooftop event hosted by New York Magazine today from 6-9pm. I got there around 6:30pm—stood on line, just to hear them say the party was booked and they weren't allowing any more people in. It would've been nice to sip some free wine and munch on some hors d'oeuvres while hanging out in the sun.

We were starving so we went with Plan B—walked over to the East side to find a restaurant. We settled with Dos Caminos, this very trendy Mexican place. Sheena ordered a shrimp ceviche ($12) and I ordered grilled mahi-mahi wrapped in soft tacos with spicy cole slaw on the side ($14). When our food came, we COULD NOT believe how small they were... for THAT price. I wasn't concerned about the price but I wanted some bang for my buck. I have to admit, the tortilla chips, salsa, and guacamole was delicious but guacamole for an additional $12? That's the highest I've ever paid for guacamole dip. I don't want to keep complaining about this but I guess it was a learning experience for the both of us. Besides the food, this restaurant is ridiculously huge for the Midtown East area—I can just imagine how much the rent is. Also, the customer service was excellent. I couldn't have asked for a better waiter.


1 comment:

Kerwin said...

The food looks good, but very tiny... what an expensive snack! I would say tiny portions at high prices outweighs the best waiter in the world. After all, you're there to fill your stomachs. The only thing that got filled was the restaurant's pocket!