Sunday, December 16, 2007

My first audiobook

I'm currently listening to my very first audiobook ever, Basic Black by Cathie Black, President of Hearst Magazines. After listening to the first two tracks, I thought this woman was a genius. I really look up to successful women who earned their titles because they worked so hard since day one. Cathie talks about the time she was an Advertising Sales Assistant for Hallmark Magazine when she first graduated from college—how she pushed herself to get to where she is today. She advises you to ask yourself questions about your dream goals. You must know the answers before you could accomplish them. You must know what you want in life and prepare yourself for the unexpected. One thing I always tell myself is "Don't EVER let anyone say you can't do something in life and if they do, don't fall back; prove them wrong!" Just because they can't be successful, doesn't mean they should knock you down—they just want to see you fail, and sadly, that's how a lot of people are in this world.

I generally don't listen to audiobooks—I prefer books instead. But since I got this for free at work, why not give it a try.

If you're curious, click here to get yourself a copy (book or audio, whichever you prefer).

Or just go to the nearest Barnes & Noble or Borders :)

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