Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A recap of what I did since my last entry

I can't believe I neglected my blog, again! Anyway, I have a lot to talk about. Let's start with November 2007- William's Full Moon Dinner. You're probably wondering who is William? He is the newest addition to my family. He was born in October but the whole family couldn't meet him until a month later because it would've brought bad luck or something. Ok, so maybe I don't know the real reason. I just said it to sound smart haha. And that's just how the Chinese tradition is. Here are some pictures below.

From L to R: 1) William (he's about four months now), 2) Justin (his older brother), 3) Me, Vicky (my niece) and Tracy (my sis).

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I believe the next event was Thanksgiving but I don't recall any photos... we were too busy eating. Then there was Christmas—there was a LOT of food just like every year. The old people always sit and chat in the dining room while the young people watch movies and crack jokes in the living room.

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For New Year's Eve, I went to a friend's house party in Kew Gardens, Queens which was a lot of fun. I met some familiar faces and new faces. After a few drinks, everyone had a great time.

For Chinese New Year, my dad cooked so a few family members came over to my place on Wednesday, 2/6 and Thursday, 2/7. The whole family went out for dinner at EAST Buffet. There was SO MUCH food but it's like any typical Chinese restaurant—they'll bring you one plate after the other and they do it so fast. It's funny because I usually don't like to rush while I'm eating cause it's unhealthy and I don't want my stomach to keep expanding. Of course my favorite part is receiving red envelopes.

Yesterday, I took the day off from work because I didn't get to take off last week on actual Chinese New Year Day (there was work to be done). I woke up around noon but I didn't realize I had some errands to run until I was wide awake. I decided to go window shopping in the freezing weather... yes, I'm crazy. However, I don't regret it cause I bought a pair of knee-high leather boots that were on sale! That's always a good thing. They're good for the rain and sophisticated enough for the office. They have the three elements that I love: comfortable, stylish and affordable. So yes, I'm very happy :) I tend to find great stuff when I'm not really looking too hard.

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