Saturday, May 19, 2007


My new cell phone arrived yesterday, however, I'm not gonna listen to songs on it...gotta conserve battery power plus I have my iPod anyway. I'm gonna miss my old phone cause I've never had a single problem with it. I can't even count how many times I've accidentally dropped it and there are ugly scratches on it. Whatever, it's time for an upgrade. So this is the third phone I've had since I was a freshman in college and I'm content with it so far. My sister has exactly the same one and she has no complaints.

I'm supposed to go out for sushi tonight with some friends but my mom made it clear to me that I should really clean out my closet before I go out of town for Memorial Day weekend. She bought two huge containers for me to put my junk in there. This is like an episode of Clean House lol.

On another note, I got an IM from my brother this morning while I was still sleeping. I bet he's having loads of fun in Japan. Arg! If you read this, bring me back a souvenir! =)

1 comment:

Corey Hopper said...

Yo, that looks like a fun phone. (Meaning that it will be a huge distraction for times when you should be focused!) Enjoy! I could use a new phone myself but mine serves its purpose...for now. Btw, what's your brother doing in Japan? I never even knew you had a brother.